<p>We have all heard the common sayings like “happiness comes from within” and “happiness is a choice". The questions then are, if happiness is within, how do you tap into it? And if happiness is a choice, how do you choose to be happy in the midst of the world’s chaos?</p> <p>After many unproductive years of struggles and acquiring “stuffs" to be happy, Nike Okeke went on a soul-searching journey to find answers to the questions above. A powerful and never-failing way she found to tap into the happiness within is by clearing the junks in one's life. Everyone has these junks. Some people realize they have the junk while some people don’t. What are these junks? How do you know if you have them? How do you clear out the junks? And how do you guard yourself against acquiring more junks thereby deliberately choosing to be happy? <em>NoSpaceForJunk</em> is written to help empower every reader and encourage them to take charge of their lives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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