<p>We sometimes experience twist and turns in life that seem to disrupt our well-mapped out plans because as far as we are concerned we have every activity we will engage in all figured out.</p><p>Life happens to all of us, plans may not always work, people may disappoint, friends may fail, dreams may fade, promises may be broken, loved ones may leave, but in the midst of all the confusion we can make sense of life if we choose to interpret it through the lens of God’s purpose.</p><p>Enjoy the rich romantic story of Olumadewa, as she travels through life’s uncertainties as she tries to make meaning of life until she finally discovered the big hands of God was working behind the scene to make everything beautiful for her.</p><p>Have an enjoyable read!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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